Sunday, September 25, 2011


Laketrails offers campers the opportunity for four awards.  These awards are not awards of competition but of achievement.  Awards began the first year of the camp, with Cy Kaiser and Ed Minarik earning the first Laketrails "Pilots Awards."  It has been a tradition for awards to be given at the closing campfire of each session with a patch symbolizing the award. The first two awards are:

   This award is given to a camper who expresses real skill, ability and helpfulness on a canoe trip.  Some  of the skills needed include canoeing, tenting, cooking, fire building, care of equipment, and some knowledge of the natural world of the wilderness such as trees, wildlife and rocks.  Often it is said, the individual earning this award is "the kind of person I would like to have with me if I were lost in the wilderness."

Wilderness Award paddles hanging in the lodge.

   The pilot award/license is the Laketrails first and fundamental award in boating, including canoeing, sailing and power boating.  In this we follow the U.S. Coast Guard and State of Minnesota requirements for boat operation and water safety.  Beyond these requirements, we have developed our own system of boating education.  Included in this program is: boat care, motor care, knots, gasoline handling, terminology, boat types, paddle process, docking, mooring, rough water, navigation and water safety.

Larry Schmitz awarding Devin Alsleben his Pilot Award in June 2011.

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